Stay Focused on Your WHY

“He who has a WHY can bear almost any HOW.”

-Friedrich Nietzsch

I am currently writing a book about my journey of self-transformation. In it, I highlight the things I’ve done to face my demons and continually grow in spite of them. One of the topics I talk about is “What is your WHY?” What are you passionate about? What do you believe your purpose is? If you know it, what are you doing to bring it to life? Take those first steps to breathe life into your ideas. That’s what I have done – from prison. I turned a painful and life altering mistake into my WHY.

When you have a purpose and you feel compelled to follow it, you can navigate your way through the most challenging HOW. I know because I’m doing it! Plant Your Energy® is my WHY and HOW I was going to bring it to life from prison was not easy. I think about how people with a purpose don’t give up. If they did, we wouldn’t have had a Steve Jobs, a Victor Frankl, or a Martin Luther King. People like this all started out as someone that no one ever heard of. No matter what obstacles they faced, they held true to their WHY and changed our world as a result of it. Don’t get caught up in the HOW. Stay focused on your WHY.

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