“The only thing we can really control is ourselves and the habits we choose. We dictate when we get up, what we eat, what we say and how we think. Focusing on a proven set of rich habits is simply the most direct way to building a rich life.”
–Randall Bell
This quote reminds me of Habit 1 in Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People –Be Proactive. In the book he talks about the stimulus response model and how, in between any stimulus and the moment you respond, you have the ability to CHOOSE. Recognizing this is empowering and life changing, because it brings to life the realization that we have complete control over our state of mind in every moment of our lives.
We tend to fall into our ways and then complain about the way things are. Well, things are what they are because we CHOOSE to have them that way! We forget this and may not even want to admit this, but it is true. If you want to plant your energy and build a rich life, only you can create healthy habits that bring you joy and inner peace. The beauty of being a human being is having the mental capability to wake up and begin again each day.
Begin to build a new habit each morning by waking up and thinking about even one thing that you have to be grateful for. It can be something as simple as the clean water you have to shower and brush your teeth with. I know from experience that this practice makes a difference in your day and if you consciously focus on making it a habit, it changes your energy throughout the day. At any moment, when you are sad, angry, or frustrated, you can DECIDE to switch gears by bringing to the front of your mind a positive thought.