Never Settle

“How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable.”

-Seth Godin

I think a lot of people may find it hard to believe these words because of how conditioned our minds are to either believe the bad or live in mediocrity. An extremely important and life transforming lesson to learn and hold onto is this: EVERY DAY that you wake up is a gift: it is a new start and an opportunity to be remarkable. If you have always settled, make today be the first day that you start giving yourself the credit you deserve and stop choosing to accept something that you really aren’t happy with.

There is an unlimited amount of resources in this world. Whoever you want to be and whatever you want to do with your life – work on it!!!  I am writing these words to you from a prison cell! If I can work on it, I know you can too. We don’t get a do-over for each day that passes so make each one of them count. We are all remarkable in our own unique, beautiful ways. This is a huge piece of what Plant Your Energy is. I want to see on our social media sites how you are remarkable. Show your best side to the world and don’t settle for less.

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