Imagine what you could do if you learned to create a vision for your life and pursue it with passion!! What kind of legacy do you want to leave? How do you want people to talk about you when you’re not around? I believe we all desire to be a person of integrity. If you learn to be aware of your thoughts and the way that everything you do affects others, you can direct your energy in any way that you choose. What more powerful tool could you have? Your INTENTION is paramount in all that you do.
Transcend the limitations you have placed on yourself. Find the beauty within you. Find your truth. What makes you feel ALIVE? Find ways to incorporate those things into your life. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to, but you have to START. There is real truth in this: what you give away to the world is what you receive back. This applies to everything: judgment, the way you treat people, the kind of relationships you have, materialistic things, etc.
How are you going to plant your energy in the world? You can do it in both large and small ways. If you love the earth, plant flowers. Plant trees. Pick up other people’s trash. Pour your passion into whatever it is that brings you inner peace and happiness. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, nursing home, or any place where people or animals need your help. Reach out to a troubled child who needs a mentor. Nurture yourself! Meditate or do yoga. Take a class and then share that knowledge with others. Find what you love and DO something with it! Plant your energy by running a 5k. Go hiking, swimming, or bicycling. Write the book you always dreamed about. Start that business.
I had a friend who planted her energy by simply writing kind and encouraging words on rocks and then leaving them on the street for strangers to pick up. This was her way of loving others. Leave your mark on the world. Wake up each day with a plan for how you are going to plant your energy. Don’t just coast through life. Make it have meaning. Strive for excellence!
Join me in the movement to Plant Your Energy and let’s change the world together, one small act at a time!