Fight for What You Want

Fight for What You Want

“It’s never too late to realize what you want in your life

and it’s never wrong to fight for it.”


I came across this quote in my textbook for an amazing entrepreneurship program I am currently in. The program is called Defy Ventures and it is changing the lives of incarcerated people. It also resonates with what I am already creating in my life for my future.

It could not be truer that it is never too late to realize what you want in your life. The idea for Plant Your Energy came to me at the age of 39 and I look at it as a fresh start for the life I am going to live from here on out. There are so many excuses to be made for NOT pursuing what you want to accomplish in this life. Why are you settling for mediocrity?! Stand up and take that first step to fight for what you want to do with your future.

I saw a woman on the news last week who began running at the age of 100!! She is now l02 and breaking running records for her age group. I always say to transcend the limitations other people and society try to place on you. YOU get to decide what’s good for you! Don’t think that it’s too late for you.

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